Submitting a PHP form to store data as XML in a file


I have set up this form with the intention of when I add details into the; title, description and emotion text fields and then press submit, this data will be stored as xml in the php file.

I am struggling to set up the controller so that when I submit the form it actually stores this data. The example that I will provide below worked previously when I was storing it on my database, but I am now wanting to store it as xml.

Projects Controller

namespace AppHttpControllers;

use IlluminateHttpRequest;

use OrchestraParserXmlFacade as XmlParser;

interface OutputType
public function generate();

//project class has been imported
use AppProject;

class ProjectsController extends Controller
public function index()
//because the class has been imported we can reference it like this rather than 'AppProject::all();'
$projects = Project::all();

//passing the JSON to the view

return view ('projects.index', ['projects'=> $projects]); //can also use 'compact('projects') instead of the ['projects'=> $projects]

//new method called create

public function create()

return view ('projects.create');


//new method called store

public function store()

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$xmlType = new XMLType();
$xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
->addElement('example', 'A value here')

//whenever you wish to output

return view('projects.upload');

//changed this from upload to show
public function upload()

return view('projects.upload');

//changed this from upload to show
public function show()

return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));

public function slider()

return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));


Database.php (where I want to store submitted data as xml

$xmlstr = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<programme id="1">
<name>School of Rock</name>
<description>After being kicked out of a rock band, Dewey Finn becomes a substitute teacher </description>
<programme id="2">
<name>Pitch Perfect 2</name>
<description>After a humiliating command performance at The Kennedy Center, the Barden Bellas enter an international competition that no American group has ever won in order to regain their status and right to perform.</description>

Create.php (view)

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/app.css" type="text/css">
<meta name = "viewport" content="width = device-width, initial-scale = 1">
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = " /lib/w3.css">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Sky logo + Sky cinema logo -->
<div class="box">
<td style="text-align:center;color:black;font-size:50px;">
<img src="/images/sky.png" title="Sky" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />
<td style="text-align: right;position: relative; color:black;font-size:50px;">
<img src="/images/sky_cinema.png" title="sky_cinema" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />

<ul class="w3-navbar w3-black">
<li><a href="/projects/upload">Moodslider Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/projects/create">Upload Content</a></li>

<h1>Upload a movie</h1>
<!--post request followed by an action which states where the data will be posted/returned -->

<form method="POST" action="/projects">

<form action="/projects/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{{ @csrf_field() }}
<h4>Movie Title</h4><input type="text" name="name">
<h4>Movie Description</h4><textarea name="description" rows="5" cols="50" wrap="physical">
<h4>Movie Emotion</h4>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="Agitated">Agitated<br>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="Calm">Calm<br>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="Happy">Happy<br>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="Sad">Sad<br>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="Tired">Tired<br>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="WideAwake">Wide Awake<br>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="Scared">Scared<br>
<input type="radio" name="mood" value="Fearless">Fearless<br>
Choose a file to upload: <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />




namespace AppHttpControllers;

use IlluminateHttpRequest;

//import the interface above

class XMLType implements OutputType
protected $xml;
protected $parentElement;
protected $elementGroup;

public function __construct()
$this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
$this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
$this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);
return $this;

private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
$element->setAttribute($type, $value);

public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
$this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
$this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
return $this;

public function groupParentAndElements()
return $this;

public function generate()
print $this->xml->saveXML(); //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs. It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML


share|improve this question


    I have set up this form with the intention of when I add details into the; title, description and emotion text fields and then press submit, this data will be stored as xml in the php file.

    I am struggling to set up the controller so that when I submit the form it actually stores this data. The example that I will provide below worked previously when I was storing it on my database, but I am now wanting to store it as xml.

    Projects Controller

    namespace AppHttpControllers;

    use IlluminateHttpRequest;

    use OrchestraParserXmlFacade as XmlParser;

    interface OutputType
    public function generate();

    //project class has been imported
    use AppProject;

    class ProjectsController extends Controller
    public function index()
    //because the class has been imported we can reference it like this rather than 'AppProject::all();'
    $projects = Project::all();

    //passing the JSON to the view

    return view ('projects.index', ['projects'=> $projects]); //can also use 'compact('projects') instead of the ['projects'=> $projects]

    //new method called create

    public function create()

    return view ('projects.create');


    //new method called store

    public function store()

    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $xmlType = new XMLType();
    $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
    ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
    ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
    ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
    ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
    ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

    //whenever you wish to output

    return view('projects.upload');

    //changed this from upload to show
    public function upload()

    return view('projects.upload');

    //changed this from upload to show
    public function show()

    return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));

    public function slider()

    return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));


    Database.php (where I want to store submitted data as xml

    $xmlstr = <<<XML
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <programme id="1">
    <name>School of Rock</name>
    <description>After being kicked out of a rock band, Dewey Finn becomes a substitute teacher </description>
    <programme id="2">
    <name>Pitch Perfect 2</name>
    <description>After a humiliating command performance at The Kennedy Center, the Barden Bellas enter an international competition that no American group has ever won in order to regain their status and right to perform.</description>

    Create.php (view)

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/app.css" type="text/css">
    <meta name = "viewport" content="width = device-width, initial-scale = 1">
    <link rel = "stylesheet" href = " /lib/w3.css">
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Sky logo + Sky cinema logo -->
    <div class="box">
    <td style="text-align:center;color:black;font-size:50px;">
    <img src="/images/sky.png" title="Sky" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />
    <td style="text-align: right;position: relative; color:black;font-size:50px;">
    <img src="/images/sky_cinema.png" title="sky_cinema" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />

    <ul class="w3-navbar w3-black">
    <li><a href="/projects/upload">Moodslider Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="/projects/create">Upload Content</a></li>

    <h1>Upload a movie</h1>
    <!--post request followed by an action which states where the data will be posted/returned -->

    <form method="POST" action="/projects">

    <form action="/projects/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    {{ @csrf_field() }}
    <h4>Movie Title</h4><input type="text" name="name">
    <h4>Movie Description</h4><textarea name="description" rows="5" cols="50" wrap="physical">
    <h4>Movie Emotion</h4>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Agitated">Agitated<br>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Calm">Calm<br>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Happy">Happy<br>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Sad">Sad<br>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Tired">Tired<br>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="WideAwake">Wide Awake<br>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Scared">Scared<br>
    <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Fearless">Fearless<br>
    Choose a file to upload: <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload" />
    <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />




    namespace AppHttpControllers;

    use IlluminateHttpRequest;

    //import the interface above

    class XMLType implements OutputType
    protected $xml;
    protected $parentElement;
    protected $elementGroup;

    public function __construct()
    $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

    public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
    $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
    $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);
    return $this;

    private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
    if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
    foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
    $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

    public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
    $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
    $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
    return $this;

    public function groupParentAndElements()
    return $this;

    public function generate()
    print $this->xml->saveXML(); //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs. It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML


    share|improve this question




      I have set up this form with the intention of when I add details into the; title, description and emotion text fields and then press submit, this data will be stored as xml in the php file.

      I am struggling to set up the controller so that when I submit the form it actually stores this data. The example that I will provide below worked previously when I was storing it on my database, but I am now wanting to store it as xml.

      Projects Controller

      namespace AppHttpControllers;

      use IlluminateHttpRequest;

      use OrchestraParserXmlFacade as XmlParser;

      interface OutputType
      public function generate();

      //project class has been imported
      use AppProject;

      class ProjectsController extends Controller
      public function index()
      //because the class has been imported we can reference it like this rather than 'AppProject::all();'
      $projects = Project::all();

      //passing the JSON to the view

      return view ('projects.index', ['projects'=> $projects]); //can also use 'compact('projects') instead of the ['projects'=> $projects]

      //new method called create

      public function create()

      return view ('projects.create');


      //new method called store

      public function store()

      if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
      $xmlType = new XMLType();
      $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
      ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
      ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
      ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
      ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
      ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

      //whenever you wish to output

      return view('projects.upload');

      //changed this from upload to show
      public function upload()

      return view('projects.upload');

      //changed this from upload to show
      public function show()

      return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));

      public function slider()

      return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));


      Database.php (where I want to store submitted data as xml

      $xmlstr = <<<XML
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <programme id="1">
      <name>School of Rock</name>
      <description>After being kicked out of a rock band, Dewey Finn becomes a substitute teacher </description>
      <programme id="2">
      <name>Pitch Perfect 2</name>
      <description>After a humiliating command performance at The Kennedy Center, the Barden Bellas enter an international competition that no American group has ever won in order to regain their status and right to perform.</description>

      Create.php (view)

       <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/app.css" type="text/css">
      <meta name = "viewport" content="width = device-width, initial-scale = 1">
      <link rel = "stylesheet" href = " /lib/w3.css">
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <!-- Sky logo + Sky cinema logo -->
      <div class="box">
      <td style="text-align:center;color:black;font-size:50px;">
      <img src="/images/sky.png" title="Sky" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />
      <td style="text-align: right;position: relative; color:black;font-size:50px;">
      <img src="/images/sky_cinema.png" title="sky_cinema" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />

      <ul class="w3-navbar w3-black">
      <li><a href="/projects/upload">Moodslider Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="/projects/create">Upload Content</a></li>

      <h1>Upload a movie</h1>
      <!--post request followed by an action which states where the data will be posted/returned -->

      <form method="POST" action="/projects">

      <form action="/projects/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      {{ @csrf_field() }}
      <h4>Movie Title</h4><input type="text" name="name">
      <h4>Movie Description</h4><textarea name="description" rows="5" cols="50" wrap="physical">
      <h4>Movie Emotion</h4>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Agitated">Agitated<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Calm">Calm<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Happy">Happy<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Sad">Sad<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Tired">Tired<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="WideAwake">Wide Awake<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Scared">Scared<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Fearless">Fearless<br>
      Choose a file to upload: <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload" />
      <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />




      namespace AppHttpControllers;

      use IlluminateHttpRequest;

      //import the interface above

      class XMLType implements OutputType
      protected $xml;
      protected $parentElement;
      protected $elementGroup;

      public function __construct()
      $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

      public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
      $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
      $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);
      return $this;

      private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
      if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
      foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
      $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

      public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
      $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
      $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
      return $this;

      public function groupParentAndElements()
      return $this;

      public function generate()
      print $this->xml->saveXML(); //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs. It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML


      share|improve this question

      I have set up this form with the intention of when I add details into the; title, description and emotion text fields and then press submit, this data will be stored as xml in the php file.

      I am struggling to set up the controller so that when I submit the form it actually stores this data. The example that I will provide below worked previously when I was storing it on my database, but I am now wanting to store it as xml.

      Projects Controller

      namespace AppHttpControllers;

      use IlluminateHttpRequest;

      use OrchestraParserXmlFacade as XmlParser;

      interface OutputType
      public function generate();

      //project class has been imported
      use AppProject;

      class ProjectsController extends Controller
      public function index()
      //because the class has been imported we can reference it like this rather than 'AppProject::all();'
      $projects = Project::all();

      //passing the JSON to the view

      return view ('projects.index', ['projects'=> $projects]); //can also use 'compact('projects') instead of the ['projects'=> $projects]

      //new method called create

      public function create()

      return view ('projects.create');


      //new method called store

      public function store()

      if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
      $xmlType = new XMLType();
      $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
      ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
      ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
      ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
      ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
      ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

      //whenever you wish to output

      return view('projects.upload');

      //changed this from upload to show
      public function upload()

      return view('projects.upload');

      //changed this from upload to show
      public function show()

      return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));

      public function slider()

      return view ('projects.upload', compact('user'));


      Database.php (where I want to store submitted data as xml

      $xmlstr = <<<XML
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <programme id="1">
      <name>School of Rock</name>
      <description>After being kicked out of a rock band, Dewey Finn becomes a substitute teacher </description>
      <programme id="2">
      <name>Pitch Perfect 2</name>
      <description>After a humiliating command performance at The Kennedy Center, the Barden Bellas enter an international competition that no American group has ever won in order to regain their status and right to perform.</description>

      Create.php (view)

       <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/app.css" type="text/css">
      <meta name = "viewport" content="width = device-width, initial-scale = 1">
      <link rel = "stylesheet" href = " /lib/w3.css">
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <!-- Sky logo + Sky cinema logo -->
      <div class="box">
      <td style="text-align:center;color:black;font-size:50px;">
      <img src="/images/sky.png" title="Sky" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />
      <td style="text-align: right;position: relative; color:black;font-size:50px;">
      <img src="/images/sky_cinema.png" title="sky_cinema" alt="Sky" width="auto" height="125" />

      <ul class="w3-navbar w3-black">
      <li><a href="/projects/upload">Moodslider Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="/projects/create">Upload Content</a></li>

      <h1>Upload a movie</h1>
      <!--post request followed by an action which states where the data will be posted/returned -->

      <form method="POST" action="/projects">

      <form action="/projects/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      {{ @csrf_field() }}
      <h4>Movie Title</h4><input type="text" name="name">
      <h4>Movie Description</h4><textarea name="description" rows="5" cols="50" wrap="physical">
      <h4>Movie Emotion</h4>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Agitated">Agitated<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Calm">Calm<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Happy">Happy<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Sad">Sad<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Tired">Tired<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="WideAwake">Wide Awake<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Scared">Scared<br>
      <input type="radio" name="mood" value="Fearless">Fearless<br>
      Choose a file to upload: <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload" />
      <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />




      namespace AppHttpControllers;

      use IlluminateHttpRequest;

      //import the interface above

      class XMLType implements OutputType
      protected $xml;
      protected $parentElement;
      protected $elementGroup;

      public function __construct()
      $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

      public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
      $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
      $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);
      return $this;

      private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
      if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
      foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
      $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

      public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
      $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
      $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
      return $this;

      public function groupParentAndElements()
      return $this;

      public function generate()
      print $this->xml->saveXML(); //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs. It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML


      php xml laravel

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 23 at 14:27

      asked Nov 23 at 0:18




          2 Answers





          I would look at using SQLite to store the data as a second DB connection

          Alternatively you would need to use something like SimpleXML grab the contents of the file, add or modify the contents and then save it back to the file.

          This would all need to go in your store method and would not allow you to use the Projects model

          Hope this helps

          share|improve this answer



                    interface OutputType
            public function generate();

            XMLFile Class

                        //import the interface above

            class XMLType implements OutputType
            protected $xml;

            protected $parentElement;
            protected $elementGroup;

            protected $parentList = ;
            protected $elementList = ;

            public function __construct()
            $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

            public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
            $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
            $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);

            return $this;

            private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
            if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
            foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
            $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

            public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
            $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
            $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
            $this->elementList = $this->elementGroup;
            return $this;

            * We wish to trigger this every time you want to ad d a new parent to
            * hold new elements! So the program knows to close
            * the previous one before starting a new and mesh all into one single
            * element, which we do not want to!
            public function groupParentAndElements()
            foreach($this->elementList as $prevElements) {

            $this->parentList = $this->parentElement;
            $this->elementList = ;

            return $this;

            public function generate()
            //Uses filled parentList where each parent contains its child elements to generate the XML
            foreach ($this->parentList as $prevParent) {

            //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs.
            //It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML
            print $this->xml->saveXML();


            Where you wish to use the XML class

                        if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
            $xmlType = new XMLType();
            $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
            ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
            ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
            ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
            ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
            ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

            //whenever you wish to output


                        <programme id="1">
            <name type="string">
            //your post name
            //your post description
            //your post mood
            <others id="2" attr="ex">
            A value here

            To the class you can always add extra elements like notes, types etc, it will be up to your XML needs. Just need to follow the structure or even go further :)

            working code example

            Storing the XML content into a file

            interface FileCreationContract
            public function create($content);

            class XMLFile implements FileCreationContract

            const REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT = '/.[^.]+$/';
            const EXTENTION = '.xml';

            protected $path;
            protected $filename;

            public function __construct ($filename, $path = '')
            $this->filename = $filename;

            if (empty($this->path)) {
            $this->path = realpath(__DIR__);

            * If programmer mistakes and adds extention, removes it to make sure the wrong extention was not added;
            private function parseFilename()
            if ( strpos($this->filename, self::EXTENTION) === FALSE ) {
            $this->filename = preg_replace(self::REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT, '', $this->filename) . self::EXTENTION;

            if (empty($this->filename)) {
            $this->filename = 'default-name'.self::EXTENTION;

            * @return mixed
            public function getPath ()
            return $this->path;

            * @param mixed $path
            * @return XMLFile
            public function setPath ($path)
            $this->path = $path;
            return $this;

            * @return mixed
            public function getFilename ()
            return $this->filename;

            * @param mixed $filename
            * @return XMLFile
            public function setFilename ($filename)
            $this->filename = $filename;
            return $this;

            public function create ($content)
            $file = fopen($this->path.$this->filename, 'w') or die("Unable too open file!"); //I recommend throwing an exception here!
            fwrite($file, $content);


            At your controller, after constructing the XML Content

            $xmlFile = new XMLFile('database.php', 'path/to/your/public/folder/');

            NOTE: Replace print to return on your generate() method from XMLType class

            This new class wil make sure your filename follows the expected .xml format for saving. You can always override the path to save the file at constructor level or call ->setPath('new/path/'); to replace it, before you call create();

            share|improve this answer

            • Hi, where within this would I state which file the data should be stored within?
              – Matthew
              Nov 23 at 13:33

            • Hey @Matthew! No, I would leave the XMLType class to only be responsible to originate the XML and put the responsability on where to save (if DB, curl it or save it to a file) outside of the class. You can either create a second class to handle that or add it after you use the generate() method to return the output and then save it to a file
              – Diogo Santo
              Nov 23 at 13:36

            • This because we should look for a single responsibility when handling code, specially classes so we do not want our class to be responsible to generate XML and save to a specific location
              – Diogo Santo
              Nov 23 at 13:37

            • I just noticed you wish id to be present. I will adapt the code to consider those
              – Diogo Santo
              Nov 23 at 13:42

            • Okay, thanks for the help!
              – Matthew
              Nov 23 at 13:42

            Your Answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            I would look at using SQLite to store the data as a second DB connection


            Alternatively you would need to use something like SimpleXML grab the contents of the file, add or modify the contents and then save it back to the file.


            This would all need to go in your store method and would not allow you to use the Projects model

            Hope this helps

            share|improve this answer


              I would look at using SQLite to store the data as a second DB connection


              Alternatively you would need to use something like SimpleXML grab the contents of the file, add or modify the contents and then save it back to the file.


              This would all need to go in your store method and would not allow you to use the Projects model

              Hope this helps

              share|improve this answer




                I would look at using SQLite to store the data as a second DB connection


                Alternatively you would need to use something like SimpleXML grab the contents of the file, add or modify the contents and then save it back to the file.


                This would all need to go in your store method and would not allow you to use the Projects model

                Hope this helps

                share|improve this answer

                I would look at using SQLite to store the data as a second DB connection


                Alternatively you would need to use something like SimpleXML grab the contents of the file, add or modify the contents and then save it back to the file.


                This would all need to go in your store method and would not allow you to use the Projects model

                Hope this helps

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Nov 23 at 0:34






                            interface OutputType
                    public function generate();

                    XMLFile Class

                                //import the interface above

                    class XMLType implements OutputType
                    protected $xml;

                    protected $parentElement;
                    protected $elementGroup;

                    protected $parentList = ;
                    protected $elementList = ;

                    public function __construct()
                    $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

                    public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
                    $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);

                    return $this;

                    private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
                    if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
                    foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
                    $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

                    public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
                    $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
                    $this->elementList = $this->elementGroup;
                    return $this;

                    * We wish to trigger this every time you want to ad d a new parent to
                    * hold new elements! So the program knows to close
                    * the previous one before starting a new and mesh all into one single
                    * element, which we do not want to!
                    public function groupParentAndElements()
                    foreach($this->elementList as $prevElements) {

                    $this->parentList = $this->parentElement;
                    $this->elementList = ;

                    return $this;

                    public function generate()
                    //Uses filled parentList where each parent contains its child elements to generate the XML
                    foreach ($this->parentList as $prevParent) {

                    //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs.
                    //It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML
                    print $this->xml->saveXML();


                    Where you wish to use the XML class

                                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $xmlType = new XMLType();
                    $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
                    ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
                    ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
                    ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
                    ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
                    ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

                    //whenever you wish to output


                                <programme id="1">
                    <name type="string">
                    //your post name
                    //your post description
                    //your post mood
                    <others id="2" attr="ex">
                    A value here

                    To the class you can always add extra elements like notes, types etc, it will be up to your XML needs. Just need to follow the structure or even go further :)

                    working code example

                    Storing the XML content into a file

                    interface FileCreationContract
                    public function create($content);

                    class XMLFile implements FileCreationContract

                    const REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT = '/.[^.]+$/';
                    const EXTENTION = '.xml';

                    protected $path;
                    protected $filename;

                    public function __construct ($filename, $path = '')
                    $this->filename = $filename;

                    if (empty($this->path)) {
                    $this->path = realpath(__DIR__);

                    * If programmer mistakes and adds extention, removes it to make sure the wrong extention was not added;
                    private function parseFilename()
                    if ( strpos($this->filename, self::EXTENTION) === FALSE ) {
                    $this->filename = preg_replace(self::REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT, '', $this->filename) . self::EXTENTION;

                    if (empty($this->filename)) {
                    $this->filename = 'default-name'.self::EXTENTION;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getPath ()
                    return $this->path;

                    * @param mixed $path
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setPath ($path)
                    $this->path = $path;
                    return $this;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getFilename ()
                    return $this->filename;

                    * @param mixed $filename
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setFilename ($filename)
                    $this->filename = $filename;
                    return $this;

                    public function create ($content)
                    $file = fopen($this->path.$this->filename, 'w') or die("Unable too open file!"); //I recommend throwing an exception here!
                    fwrite($file, $content);


                    At your controller, after constructing the XML Content

                    $xmlFile = new XMLFile('database.php', 'path/to/your/public/folder/');

                    NOTE: Replace print to return on your generate() method from XMLType class

                    This new class wil make sure your filename follows the expected .xml format for saving. You can always override the path to save the file at constructor level or call ->setPath('new/path/'); to replace it, before you call create();

                    share|improve this answer

                    • Hi, where within this would I state which file the data should be stored within?
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:33

                    • Hey @Matthew! No, I would leave the XMLType class to only be responsible to originate the XML and put the responsability on where to save (if DB, curl it or save it to a file) outside of the class. You can either create a second class to handle that or add it after you use the generate() method to return the output and then save it to a file
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:36

                    • This because we should look for a single responsibility when handling code, specially classes so we do not want our class to be responsible to generate XML and save to a specific location
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:37

                    • I just noticed you wish id to be present. I will adapt the code to consider those
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:42

                    • Okay, thanks for the help!
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:42



                            interface OutputType
                    public function generate();

                    XMLFile Class

                                //import the interface above

                    class XMLType implements OutputType
                    protected $xml;

                    protected $parentElement;
                    protected $elementGroup;

                    protected $parentList = ;
                    protected $elementList = ;

                    public function __construct()
                    $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

                    public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
                    $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);

                    return $this;

                    private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
                    if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
                    foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
                    $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

                    public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
                    $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
                    $this->elementList = $this->elementGroup;
                    return $this;

                    * We wish to trigger this every time you want to ad d a new parent to
                    * hold new elements! So the program knows to close
                    * the previous one before starting a new and mesh all into one single
                    * element, which we do not want to!
                    public function groupParentAndElements()
                    foreach($this->elementList as $prevElements) {

                    $this->parentList = $this->parentElement;
                    $this->elementList = ;

                    return $this;

                    public function generate()
                    //Uses filled parentList where each parent contains its child elements to generate the XML
                    foreach ($this->parentList as $prevParent) {

                    //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs.
                    //It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML
                    print $this->xml->saveXML();


                    Where you wish to use the XML class

                                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $xmlType = new XMLType();
                    $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
                    ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
                    ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
                    ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
                    ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
                    ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

                    //whenever you wish to output


                                <programme id="1">
                    <name type="string">
                    //your post name
                    //your post description
                    //your post mood
                    <others id="2" attr="ex">
                    A value here

                    To the class you can always add extra elements like notes, types etc, it will be up to your XML needs. Just need to follow the structure or even go further :)

                    working code example

                    Storing the XML content into a file

                    interface FileCreationContract
                    public function create($content);

                    class XMLFile implements FileCreationContract

                    const REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT = '/.[^.]+$/';
                    const EXTENTION = '.xml';

                    protected $path;
                    protected $filename;

                    public function __construct ($filename, $path = '')
                    $this->filename = $filename;

                    if (empty($this->path)) {
                    $this->path = realpath(__DIR__);

                    * If programmer mistakes and adds extention, removes it to make sure the wrong extention was not added;
                    private function parseFilename()
                    if ( strpos($this->filename, self::EXTENTION) === FALSE ) {
                    $this->filename = preg_replace(self::REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT, '', $this->filename) . self::EXTENTION;

                    if (empty($this->filename)) {
                    $this->filename = 'default-name'.self::EXTENTION;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getPath ()
                    return $this->path;

                    * @param mixed $path
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setPath ($path)
                    $this->path = $path;
                    return $this;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getFilename ()
                    return $this->filename;

                    * @param mixed $filename
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setFilename ($filename)
                    $this->filename = $filename;
                    return $this;

                    public function create ($content)
                    $file = fopen($this->path.$this->filename, 'w') or die("Unable too open file!"); //I recommend throwing an exception here!
                    fwrite($file, $content);


                    At your controller, after constructing the XML Content

                    $xmlFile = new XMLFile('database.php', 'path/to/your/public/folder/');

                    NOTE: Replace print to return on your generate() method from XMLType class

                    This new class wil make sure your filename follows the expected .xml format for saving. You can always override the path to save the file at constructor level or call ->setPath('new/path/'); to replace it, before you call create();

                    share|improve this answer

                    • Hi, where within this would I state which file the data should be stored within?
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:33

                    • Hey @Matthew! No, I would leave the XMLType class to only be responsible to originate the XML and put the responsability on where to save (if DB, curl it or save it to a file) outside of the class. You can either create a second class to handle that or add it after you use the generate() method to return the output and then save it to a file
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:36

                    • This because we should look for a single responsibility when handling code, specially classes so we do not want our class to be responsible to generate XML and save to a specific location
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:37

                    • I just noticed you wish id to be present. I will adapt the code to consider those
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:42

                    • Okay, thanks for the help!
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:42





                            interface OutputType
                    public function generate();

                    XMLFile Class

                                //import the interface above

                    class XMLType implements OutputType
                    protected $xml;

                    protected $parentElement;
                    protected $elementGroup;

                    protected $parentList = ;
                    protected $elementList = ;

                    public function __construct()
                    $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

                    public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
                    $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);

                    return $this;

                    private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
                    if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
                    foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
                    $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

                    public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
                    $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
                    $this->elementList = $this->elementGroup;
                    return $this;

                    * We wish to trigger this every time you want to ad d a new parent to
                    * hold new elements! So the program knows to close
                    * the previous one before starting a new and mesh all into one single
                    * element, which we do not want to!
                    public function groupParentAndElements()
                    foreach($this->elementList as $prevElements) {

                    $this->parentList = $this->parentElement;
                    $this->elementList = ;

                    return $this;

                    public function generate()
                    //Uses filled parentList where each parent contains its child elements to generate the XML
                    foreach ($this->parentList as $prevParent) {

                    //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs.
                    //It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML
                    print $this->xml->saveXML();


                    Where you wish to use the XML class

                                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $xmlType = new XMLType();
                    $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
                    ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
                    ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
                    ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
                    ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
                    ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

                    //whenever you wish to output


                                <programme id="1">
                    <name type="string">
                    //your post name
                    //your post description
                    //your post mood
                    <others id="2" attr="ex">
                    A value here

                    To the class you can always add extra elements like notes, types etc, it will be up to your XML needs. Just need to follow the structure or even go further :)

                    working code example

                    Storing the XML content into a file

                    interface FileCreationContract
                    public function create($content);

                    class XMLFile implements FileCreationContract

                    const REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT = '/.[^.]+$/';
                    const EXTENTION = '.xml';

                    protected $path;
                    protected $filename;

                    public function __construct ($filename, $path = '')
                    $this->filename = $filename;

                    if (empty($this->path)) {
                    $this->path = realpath(__DIR__);

                    * If programmer mistakes and adds extention, removes it to make sure the wrong extention was not added;
                    private function parseFilename()
                    if ( strpos($this->filename, self::EXTENTION) === FALSE ) {
                    $this->filename = preg_replace(self::REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT, '', $this->filename) . self::EXTENTION;

                    if (empty($this->filename)) {
                    $this->filename = 'default-name'.self::EXTENTION;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getPath ()
                    return $this->path;

                    * @param mixed $path
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setPath ($path)
                    $this->path = $path;
                    return $this;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getFilename ()
                    return $this->filename;

                    * @param mixed $filename
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setFilename ($filename)
                    $this->filename = $filename;
                    return $this;

                    public function create ($content)
                    $file = fopen($this->path.$this->filename, 'w') or die("Unable too open file!"); //I recommend throwing an exception here!
                    fwrite($file, $content);


                    At your controller, after constructing the XML Content

                    $xmlFile = new XMLFile('database.php', 'path/to/your/public/folder/');

                    NOTE: Replace print to return on your generate() method from XMLType class

                    This new class wil make sure your filename follows the expected .xml format for saving. You can always override the path to save the file at constructor level or call ->setPath('new/path/'); to replace it, before you call create();

                    share|improve this answer


                            interface OutputType
                    public function generate();

                    XMLFile Class

                                //import the interface above

                    class XMLType implements OutputType
                    protected $xml;

                    protected $parentElement;
                    protected $elementGroup;

                    protected $parentList = ;
                    protected $elementList = ;

                    public function __construct()
                    $this->xml= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-15');

                    public function createParent($type, $attributes = )
                    $this->parentElement = $this->xml->createElement($type);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->parentElement, $attributes);

                    return $this;

                    private function addAttributes(&$element, $attributes)
                    if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
                    foreach($attributes as $type => $value) {
                    $element->setAttribute($type, $value);

                    public function addElement($type, $element, $attributes = )
                    $this->elementGroup = $this->xml->createElement($type, $element);
                    $this->addAttributes($this->elementGroup, $attributes);
                    $this->elementList = $this->elementGroup;
                    return $this;

                    * We wish to trigger this every time you want to ad d a new parent to
                    * hold new elements! So the program knows to close
                    * the previous one before starting a new and mesh all into one single
                    * element, which we do not want to!
                    public function groupParentAndElements()
                    foreach($this->elementList as $prevElements) {

                    $this->parentList = $this->parentElement;
                    $this->elementList = ;

                    return $this;

                    public function generate()
                    //Uses filled parentList where each parent contains its child elements to generate the XML
                    foreach ($this->parentList as $prevParent) {

                    //here I am saving and printing but you can change to suit your needs.
                    //It is at this point it is ready to generate the XML
                    print $this->xml->saveXML();


                    Where you wish to use the XML class

                                if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                    $xmlType = new XMLType();
                    $xmlType->createParent('programme', ['id' => 1])
                    ->addElement('name', $_POST['name'], ['type' => 'string'])
                    ->addElement('description', $_POST['description'])
                    ->addElement('mood', $_POST['mood'])
                    ->createParent('others', ['id' => 2, 'attr' => 'ex'])
                    ->addElement('example', 'A value here')

                    //whenever you wish to output


                                <programme id="1">
                    <name type="string">
                    //your post name
                    //your post description
                    //your post mood
                    <others id="2" attr="ex">
                    A value here

                    To the class you can always add extra elements like notes, types etc, it will be up to your XML needs. Just need to follow the structure or even go further :)

                    working code example

                    Storing the XML content into a file

                    interface FileCreationContract
                    public function create($content);

                    class XMLFile implements FileCreationContract

                    const REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT = '/.[^.]+$/';
                    const EXTENTION = '.xml';

                    protected $path;
                    protected $filename;

                    public function __construct ($filename, $path = '')
                    $this->filename = $filename;

                    if (empty($this->path)) {
                    $this->path = realpath(__DIR__);

                    * If programmer mistakes and adds extention, removes it to make sure the wrong extention was not added;
                    private function parseFilename()
                    if ( strpos($this->filename, self::EXTENTION) === FALSE ) {
                    $this->filename = preg_replace(self::REGEX_EXTENTION_LOOKOUT, '', $this->filename) . self::EXTENTION;

                    if (empty($this->filename)) {
                    $this->filename = 'default-name'.self::EXTENTION;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getPath ()
                    return $this->path;

                    * @param mixed $path
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setPath ($path)
                    $this->path = $path;
                    return $this;

                    * @return mixed
                    public function getFilename ()
                    return $this->filename;

                    * @param mixed $filename
                    * @return XMLFile
                    public function setFilename ($filename)
                    $this->filename = $filename;
                    return $this;

                    public function create ($content)
                    $file = fopen($this->path.$this->filename, 'w') or die("Unable too open file!"); //I recommend throwing an exception here!
                    fwrite($file, $content);


                    At your controller, after constructing the XML Content

                    $xmlFile = new XMLFile('database.php', 'path/to/your/public/folder/');

                    NOTE: Replace print to return on your generate() method from XMLType class

                    This new class wil make sure your filename follows the expected .xml format for saving. You can always override the path to save the file at constructor level or call ->setPath('new/path/'); to replace it, before you call create();

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited Nov 23 at 16:08

                    answered Nov 23 at 1:28

                    Diogo Santo



                    • Hi, where within this would I state which file the data should be stored within?
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:33

                    • Hey @Matthew! No, I would leave the XMLType class to only be responsible to originate the XML and put the responsability on where to save (if DB, curl it or save it to a file) outside of the class. You can either create a second class to handle that or add it after you use the generate() method to return the output and then save it to a file
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:36

                    • This because we should look for a single responsibility when handling code, specially classes so we do not want our class to be responsible to generate XML and save to a specific location
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:37

                    • I just noticed you wish id to be present. I will adapt the code to consider those
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:42

                    • Okay, thanks for the help!
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:42

                    • Hi, where within this would I state which file the data should be stored within?
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:33

                    • Hey @Matthew! No, I would leave the XMLType class to only be responsible to originate the XML and put the responsability on where to save (if DB, curl it or save it to a file) outside of the class. You can either create a second class to handle that or add it after you use the generate() method to return the output and then save it to a file
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:36

                    • This because we should look for a single responsibility when handling code, specially classes so we do not want our class to be responsible to generate XML and save to a specific location
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:37

                    • I just noticed you wish id to be present. I will adapt the code to consider those
                      – Diogo Santo
                      Nov 23 at 13:42

                    • Okay, thanks for the help!
                      – Matthew
                      Nov 23 at 13:42

                    Hi, where within this would I state which file the data should be stored within?
                    – Matthew
                    Nov 23 at 13:33

                    Hi, where within this would I state which file the data should be stored within?
                    – Matthew
                    Nov 23 at 13:33

                    Hey @Matthew! No, I would leave the XMLType class to only be responsible to originate the XML and put the responsability on where to save (if DB, curl it or save it to a file) outside of the class. You can either create a second class to handle that or add it after you use the generate() method to return the output and then save it to a file
                    – Diogo Santo
                    Nov 23 at 13:36

                    Hey @Matthew! No, I would leave the XMLType class to only be responsible to originate the XML and put the responsability on where to save (if DB, curl it or save it to a file) outside of the class. You can either create a second class to handle that or add it after you use the generate() method to return the output and then save it to a file
                    – Diogo Santo
                    Nov 23 at 13:36

                    This because we should look for a single responsibility when handling code, specially classes so we do not want our class to be responsible to generate XML and save to a specific location
                    – Diogo Santo
                    Nov 23 at 13:37

                    This because we should look for a single responsibility when handling code, specially classes so we do not want our class to be responsible to generate XML and save to a specific location
                    – Diogo Santo
                    Nov 23 at 13:37

                    I just noticed you wish id to be present. I will adapt the code to consider those
                    – Diogo Santo
                    Nov 23 at 13:42

                    I just noticed you wish id to be present. I will adapt the code to consider those
                    – Diogo Santo
                    Nov 23 at 13:42

                    Okay, thanks for the help!
                    – Matthew
                    Nov 23 at 13:42

                    Okay, thanks for the help!
                    – Matthew
                    Nov 23 at 13:42

                    draft saved

                    draft discarded

                    Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

                    • Please be sure to answer the question. Provide details and share your research!

                    But avoid

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