
Showing posts from February 27, 2019

Why did the Torah need to be given if the Avos knew and kept it?

up vote 4 down vote favorite It is a common theme in aggadic literature that The Avos were incredible tzadikim They more-or-less kept the entire Torah, including some derabannans If the mitzvos were already known and kept, and the full text was not necessary for them to have perfection in their middos, why was Revelation necessary? (I would guess that a potential answer is that their descendants forgot it, but that also seems strange. See also here.) avot-patriarch-fathers kabbalat-hatorah genesis-bereishith share | improve this question asked 7 hours ago Arithmomaniac 609 4 13 ...

d3 exit selection comes up empty even with unique id value

up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm trying to make my own version of a spinning globe with markers, similar to Patrick Stotz' here. Though my goal is not cities, I'm using that for now and have a smaller version of this geoJSON file for data (with the same structure). The problem is I clearly don't understand how to correctly get an exit selection because it's always empty, even though I've updated the geoJSON file to have a unique id for each feature. The main difference I'm trying to introduce is to plot 100 cities at a time, then remove those markers and plot the next 100 with some simple transition effects. I do this with a d3.timer function and slicing the data array. The problem is my exit selection is always empty, even after I've added a unique id following the advice from this question. ...