
Showing posts from January 10, 2019

What exactly is 'level shift' in translation theory by Catford?

up vote 0 down vote favorite i dont quiet understand what does the 'level' in level shift refers to. all example that i found was like a present continous tense phrase, or perfect tenses, like using "have been", "to be + -ing", and etc. but is there other example? for example, French: "Les fleurs" English: "Flowers" we can't just write "fleurs" without the "Les", but there's no translation of "Les" in english. so is it counted as level shift? and for example, French: "Les Fleurs" English: "Flower" the translation is in singular and not plural like the source language. is it also a level shift? translation share...

Xamarin Forms: Binding 2 properties to another one

up vote 0 down vote favorite I have a HorizontalListView (from SharpNado) and I have some buttons to navigate between the different items. I want these buttons only to be visible under certain conditions(they can both be visible at the same time): If the current index of the listview is greater than 0, the "previous" button should be visible. If the current index of the listview is lower than the highest index (count - 1) I want the "next" button to be visible. I want to use some binding between views (with converters) to solve this. I have managed to bind the "previous" button's visibility to the current index with a converter that checks if the index is greater than 0, but I'm struggling a lot with the "next" button since it needs to change when either the current index or the a...