
Showing posts from February 1, 2019

Fantasy series - Character has epiphany on mountain

up vote 15 down vote favorite 2 I'm trying to identify a book and the series it was from, I read it on holiday and I believe it was a late entry in a long running series. All I really remember about the story was that the main character was male, and had some sort of epiphany while on a mountain near the end of the book. I think the character had some kind of spirit or other person in his head, and the epiphany was to do with accepting it or getting rid of it. The epiphany seemed to be a big deal and had an emotional impact for the mc. I feel like there were a lot of characters but being part way into a long series made it hard to get everything that was going on. The series was definitely a fantasy setting with the main character being able to use some kind of magic. There was a Big Bad who was trapped somewhere and had chose...