
Showing posts from December 20, 2018

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Pour les articles homonymes, voir MIT (homonymie). Massachusetts Institute of .entete.universite{background-image:url("//")} Histoire et statut Fondation 1861 Type Université privée Régime linguistique Anglais Fondateur William Barton Rogers Président L. Rafael Reif  (en) Localisation Localisation Cambridge Pays   États-Unis Localisation sur la carte de Massachusetts Localisation sur la carte des États-Unis Chiffres-clés Étudiants 10 894 Enseignants 1 030 Divers Devise Mens et Manus ( Esprit et main ) - latin Membre de Digital Library Federation  ( en ) , IIIF Consortium  ( d ) , Coalition de l'édition savante et des ressources académiques Site web site officiel modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Le grand dôme du MIT. Le Massachusetts Institute of

Why didn't Loki use the Tesseract?

up vote 3 down vote favorite At the starting of Avengers Infinity War we see that Loki is in possession of the Tesseract. So why didn't he use it to transport everyone on that ship to the earth? If he wanted to keep that a secret, he could have transported everyone when Thanos attacked the ship. plot-explanation marvel-cinematic-universe avengers-infinity-war share | improve this question edited 2 hours ago A J ♦ 39.8k 15 211 225 asked 3 hours ago Asif Iqubal 962 2 6 15

Error Handling while copying from Excel to PowerPoint

up vote 1 down vote favorite I have a problem with my code when I'm trying to copy some data from excel to PowerPoint using Excel VBA. The problem is that it sometimes work properly and with no error but sometimes its crashes and stops during the run. Sub Test() Set PowerPointApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application") Set ppApp = New powerpoint.Application ppApp.Visible = True DestinationPPT = "C:UsersSaeedDesktopedit vbatest.pptx" Set ppPres = PowerPointApp.Presentations.Open(DestinationPPT) Sheets("Slide3").Activate Sheets("Slide3").Range("A2").Select Selection.Copy ppApp.Activate ppPres.Slides(3).Select ppApp.Windows(1).View.Paste Set shp = ppPres.Slides(3).Shapes(ppPres.Slides(3).Shapes.Count) shp.Left = 17 shp.Top = 90 ppApp.Windows(1).Selection.Unsele