
Showing posts from March 22, 2019

Counterexample of non invertible operator

4 We know the following classical statement: "Let $X$ a Banach space and $T:Xto X$ a bounded operator such that $|T|<1$ . Then $I-T$ is invertible". When we review the proof, it is easy to note how completeness of $X$ is required. But, do you know some example of a non Banach space $X$ such that there is a bounded operador $T$ with $|T|<1$ and $I-T$ is not invertible? operator-theory operator-algebras share | cite | improve this question asked 5 hours ago sinbadh 6,312 8 24 ...

PRAW Comment and Sticky

0 I want to comment to a post, and sticky it straight away: for submission in sub: if (submission.is_video or os.path.splitext(submission.url)[-1] in [".gif", ".gifv", ".mp4", ".webm"]) and not in get_old_submissions(): submission.reply(MESSAGE) I've tried iterating through the submissions comments, checking if the body is equal to the message, but my comment doesn't seem to show up at all: print(submission.comments.list()) Just gives . Is there perhaps an easy way of getting the id of the new comment so I can pin it straight away? python praw share | improve this question a...