
Showing posts from December, 2018

Python: […] at End of List

-1 I've run into an issue when after I append my list to my dictionary, I get an unwanted [...] at the end of my list. Here's my code: class Account: accountInfo = {} #ex. ID : 5FE19C (hexadecimal ID's) def __init__(self): choice = raw_input("Would you like to login or signup?n") if choice.lower() == "login": self.login() elif choice.lower() == "signup": print "Great! Fill in the following." self.signup() else: self.__init__() def signup(self): accountID = '%010x' % random.randrange(16**10) # 10 digit hexadecimal ID generator personalInfo = self.accountInfo[accountID] = personalInfo firstName = raw_input("Fi...