Class method executes twice on being called once [on hold]

up vote
down vote


Normally I can always find my answers on here, but this one seems to pop up here and there, but never gets resolved so here I go:

I was programming a basic Neural Network to be trained with Stochastic Gradient Descent, nothing fancy, most of it copy pasted from a tutorial to get the hang of it and go from there, just wanted to try it out. I recently watched a video about the Google Sheets API, so I wanted to show some stats on a spreadsheet.

Now to the actual problem: Somehow, toExcel() executes twice, although its only called once

Here is my code (python 3.6.7):

import numpy as np
import random
import json
import loader as l
import os
import time
import math
import pickle
import datetime
import psutil

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

offset = [1, 7]

def loadNet(filename):
with open(savedir+filename+".pkl", "rb") as input:
net = pickle.load(input)
return net

class Network:

def __init__(self, layers):
self.num_layers = len(layers)
self.layers = layers
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in layers[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x) for x, y in zip(layers[:-1], layers[1:])]

def toExcel(self):
print("Function start")
scope = ['','']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('auth_creds.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)

sheet ="nn_temp").sheet1
input = 0
x = 0
s = time.time()
for var in range(len(self.layers)):
if var == 0:
index = var-1
sheet.update_cell(offset[1],offset[0]+x, self.layers[index+1])
w_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x,offset[1]+len(self.weights[index]),offset[0]+x)
for weight in range(len(self.weights[index])):
w_cells[weight].value = sum(self.weights[index][weight])/float(len(self.weights[index][weight]))
b_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x+1,offset[1]+len(self.biases[index]),offset[0]+x+1)
for bias in range(len(self.biases[index])):
b_cells[bias].value = sum(self.biases[index][bias])/float(len(self.biases[index][bias]))
del w_cells, b_cells
x += 2
print("time: "+str(time.time()-s))
del sheet,input,x,s,scope,creds,client

net = loadNet("93_22")
print("between") #not in the first result, i added this later

All I am doing with loadNet("93_22") is loading a previously saved Network, having specific weights and biases

Console output:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 5.690556049346924
Function start
time: 5.826641082763672

EDIT 1: I tried what @Silmathoron proposed and got this:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 7.506024122238159
Function start
time: 6.050253868103027

EDIT 2: pickle is the problem, i tried this:

net = Network([784, 20, 20, 20, 10])

and got a clean execution

Function start
time: 4.296467065811157

guess im gonna use google sheets to save my networks not too

share|improve this question

put on hold as off-topic by user2357112, Martijn Pieters Nov 21 at 20:32

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example." – user2357112, Martijn Pieters

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    just too much code. please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
    – Jean-François Fabre
    Nov 21 at 20:06

  • 1

    I smell a circular import, likely in loader or as a result of loading the pickle. We'd need an MCVE to diagnose the problem for sure. There's too much stuff we don't need and not enough of the stuff we do.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • I have no idea what's going on nor why, but just out of curiosity, did you try printing self in the function and printing something between loadNet and net.toExcel()?
    – Silmathoron
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • 1

    Quick guide to MCVEs: we need to be able to run it, and we need to be able to see the problem when we run it, but it doesn't have to preserve the actual functionality of your program. If replacing the entire toExcel body with print('problem') still demonstrates the double print, then replace the entire toExcel body with print('problem'). If your program currently relies on a pickle we don't have, try to remove the pickle reliance, or make the pickle creation part of the program.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:13

  • 1

    The solution (apart from giving us a complete but minimal working example), is to use a if __name__ == '__main__': guard to run the top-level code only when you use this as a script, not when imported as a module.
    – Martijn Pieters
    Nov 21 at 20:36

up vote
down vote


Normally I can always find my answers on here, but this one seems to pop up here and there, but never gets resolved so here I go:

I was programming a basic Neural Network to be trained with Stochastic Gradient Descent, nothing fancy, most of it copy pasted from a tutorial to get the hang of it and go from there, just wanted to try it out. I recently watched a video about the Google Sheets API, so I wanted to show some stats on a spreadsheet.

Now to the actual problem: Somehow, toExcel() executes twice, although its only called once

Here is my code (python 3.6.7):

import numpy as np
import random
import json
import loader as l
import os
import time
import math
import pickle
import datetime
import psutil

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

offset = [1, 7]

def loadNet(filename):
with open(savedir+filename+".pkl", "rb") as input:
net = pickle.load(input)
return net

class Network:

def __init__(self, layers):
self.num_layers = len(layers)
self.layers = layers
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in layers[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x) for x, y in zip(layers[:-1], layers[1:])]

def toExcel(self):
print("Function start")
scope = ['','']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('auth_creds.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)

sheet ="nn_temp").sheet1
input = 0
x = 0
s = time.time()
for var in range(len(self.layers)):
if var == 0:
index = var-1
sheet.update_cell(offset[1],offset[0]+x, self.layers[index+1])
w_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x,offset[1]+len(self.weights[index]),offset[0]+x)
for weight in range(len(self.weights[index])):
w_cells[weight].value = sum(self.weights[index][weight])/float(len(self.weights[index][weight]))
b_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x+1,offset[1]+len(self.biases[index]),offset[0]+x+1)
for bias in range(len(self.biases[index])):
b_cells[bias].value = sum(self.biases[index][bias])/float(len(self.biases[index][bias]))
del w_cells, b_cells
x += 2
print("time: "+str(time.time()-s))
del sheet,input,x,s,scope,creds,client

net = loadNet("93_22")
print("between") #not in the first result, i added this later

All I am doing with loadNet("93_22") is loading a previously saved Network, having specific weights and biases

Console output:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 5.690556049346924
Function start
time: 5.826641082763672

EDIT 1: I tried what @Silmathoron proposed and got this:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 7.506024122238159
Function start
time: 6.050253868103027

EDIT 2: pickle is the problem, i tried this:

net = Network([784, 20, 20, 20, 10])

and got a clean execution

Function start
time: 4.296467065811157

guess im gonna use google sheets to save my networks not too

share|improve this question

put on hold as off-topic by user2357112, Martijn Pieters Nov 21 at 20:32

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example." – user2357112, Martijn Pieters

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    just too much code. please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
    – Jean-François Fabre
    Nov 21 at 20:06

  • 1

    I smell a circular import, likely in loader or as a result of loading the pickle. We'd need an MCVE to diagnose the problem for sure. There's too much stuff we don't need and not enough of the stuff we do.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • I have no idea what's going on nor why, but just out of curiosity, did you try printing self in the function and printing something between loadNet and net.toExcel()?
    – Silmathoron
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • 1

    Quick guide to MCVEs: we need to be able to run it, and we need to be able to see the problem when we run it, but it doesn't have to preserve the actual functionality of your program. If replacing the entire toExcel body with print('problem') still demonstrates the double print, then replace the entire toExcel body with print('problem'). If your program currently relies on a pickle we don't have, try to remove the pickle reliance, or make the pickle creation part of the program.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:13

  • 1

    The solution (apart from giving us a complete but minimal working example), is to use a if __name__ == '__main__': guard to run the top-level code only when you use this as a script, not when imported as a module.
    – Martijn Pieters
    Nov 21 at 20:36

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Normally I can always find my answers on here, but this one seems to pop up here and there, but never gets resolved so here I go:

I was programming a basic Neural Network to be trained with Stochastic Gradient Descent, nothing fancy, most of it copy pasted from a tutorial to get the hang of it and go from there, just wanted to try it out. I recently watched a video about the Google Sheets API, so I wanted to show some stats on a spreadsheet.

Now to the actual problem: Somehow, toExcel() executes twice, although its only called once

Here is my code (python 3.6.7):

import numpy as np
import random
import json
import loader as l
import os
import time
import math
import pickle
import datetime
import psutil

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

offset = [1, 7]

def loadNet(filename):
with open(savedir+filename+".pkl", "rb") as input:
net = pickle.load(input)
return net

class Network:

def __init__(self, layers):
self.num_layers = len(layers)
self.layers = layers
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in layers[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x) for x, y in zip(layers[:-1], layers[1:])]

def toExcel(self):
print("Function start")
scope = ['','']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('auth_creds.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)

sheet ="nn_temp").sheet1
input = 0
x = 0
s = time.time()
for var in range(len(self.layers)):
if var == 0:
index = var-1
sheet.update_cell(offset[1],offset[0]+x, self.layers[index+1])
w_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x,offset[1]+len(self.weights[index]),offset[0]+x)
for weight in range(len(self.weights[index])):
w_cells[weight].value = sum(self.weights[index][weight])/float(len(self.weights[index][weight]))
b_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x+1,offset[1]+len(self.biases[index]),offset[0]+x+1)
for bias in range(len(self.biases[index])):
b_cells[bias].value = sum(self.biases[index][bias])/float(len(self.biases[index][bias]))
del w_cells, b_cells
x += 2
print("time: "+str(time.time()-s))
del sheet,input,x,s,scope,creds,client

net = loadNet("93_22")
print("between") #not in the first result, i added this later

All I am doing with loadNet("93_22") is loading a previously saved Network, having specific weights and biases

Console output:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 5.690556049346924
Function start
time: 5.826641082763672

EDIT 1: I tried what @Silmathoron proposed and got this:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 7.506024122238159
Function start
time: 6.050253868103027

EDIT 2: pickle is the problem, i tried this:

net = Network([784, 20, 20, 20, 10])

and got a clean execution

Function start
time: 4.296467065811157

guess im gonna use google sheets to save my networks not too

share|improve this question

Normally I can always find my answers on here, but this one seems to pop up here and there, but never gets resolved so here I go:

I was programming a basic Neural Network to be trained with Stochastic Gradient Descent, nothing fancy, most of it copy pasted from a tutorial to get the hang of it and go from there, just wanted to try it out. I recently watched a video about the Google Sheets API, so I wanted to show some stats on a spreadsheet.

Now to the actual problem: Somehow, toExcel() executes twice, although its only called once

Here is my code (python 3.6.7):

import numpy as np
import random
import json
import loader as l
import os
import time
import math
import pickle
import datetime
import psutil

import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

offset = [1, 7]

def loadNet(filename):
with open(savedir+filename+".pkl", "rb") as input:
net = pickle.load(input)
return net

class Network:

def __init__(self, layers):
self.num_layers = len(layers)
self.layers = layers
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in layers[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x) for x, y in zip(layers[:-1], layers[1:])]

def toExcel(self):
print("Function start")
scope = ['','']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('auth_creds.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)

sheet ="nn_temp").sheet1
input = 0
x = 0
s = time.time()
for var in range(len(self.layers)):
if var == 0:
index = var-1
sheet.update_cell(offset[1],offset[0]+x, self.layers[index+1])
w_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x,offset[1]+len(self.weights[index]),offset[0]+x)
for weight in range(len(self.weights[index])):
w_cells[weight].value = sum(self.weights[index][weight])/float(len(self.weights[index][weight]))
b_cells = sheet.range(offset[1]+1,offset[0]+x+1,offset[1]+len(self.biases[index]),offset[0]+x+1)
for bias in range(len(self.biases[index])):
b_cells[bias].value = sum(self.biases[index][bias])/float(len(self.biases[index][bias]))
del w_cells, b_cells
x += 2
print("time: "+str(time.time()-s))
del sheet,input,x,s,scope,creds,client

net = loadNet("93_22")
print("between") #not in the first result, i added this later

All I am doing with loadNet("93_22") is loading a previously saved Network, having specific weights and biases

Console output:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 5.690556049346924
Function start
time: 5.826641082763672

EDIT 1: I tried what @Silmathoron proposed and got this:

paul@Paul-2:~/proj/dl/stgd$ python3
Function start
time: 7.506024122238159
Function start
time: 6.050253868103027

EDIT 2: pickle is the problem, i tried this:

net = Network([784, 20, 20, 20, 10])

and got a clean execution

Function start
time: 4.296467065811157

guess im gonna use google sheets to save my networks not too

python python-3.x python-3.6

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 21 at 20:14

asked Nov 21 at 20:05




put on hold as off-topic by user2357112, Martijn Pieters Nov 21 at 20:32

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example." – user2357112, Martijn Pieters

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

put on hold as off-topic by user2357112, Martijn Pieters Nov 21 at 20:32

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example." – user2357112, Martijn Pieters

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    just too much code. please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
    – Jean-François Fabre
    Nov 21 at 20:06

  • 1

    I smell a circular import, likely in loader or as a result of loading the pickle. We'd need an MCVE to diagnose the problem for sure. There's too much stuff we don't need and not enough of the stuff we do.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • I have no idea what's going on nor why, but just out of curiosity, did you try printing self in the function and printing something between loadNet and net.toExcel()?
    – Silmathoron
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • 1

    Quick guide to MCVEs: we need to be able to run it, and we need to be able to see the problem when we run it, but it doesn't have to preserve the actual functionality of your program. If replacing the entire toExcel body with print('problem') still demonstrates the double print, then replace the entire toExcel body with print('problem'). If your program currently relies on a pickle we don't have, try to remove the pickle reliance, or make the pickle creation part of the program.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:13

  • 1

    The solution (apart from giving us a complete but minimal working example), is to use a if __name__ == '__main__': guard to run the top-level code only when you use this as a script, not when imported as a module.
    – Martijn Pieters
    Nov 21 at 20:36

  • 2

    just too much code. please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
    – Jean-François Fabre
    Nov 21 at 20:06

  • 1

    I smell a circular import, likely in loader or as a result of loading the pickle. We'd need an MCVE to diagnose the problem for sure. There's too much stuff we don't need and not enough of the stuff we do.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • I have no idea what's going on nor why, but just out of curiosity, did you try printing self in the function and printing something between loadNet and net.toExcel()?
    – Silmathoron
    Nov 21 at 20:09

  • 1

    Quick guide to MCVEs: we need to be able to run it, and we need to be able to see the problem when we run it, but it doesn't have to preserve the actual functionality of your program. If replacing the entire toExcel body with print('problem') still demonstrates the double print, then replace the entire toExcel body with print('problem'). If your program currently relies on a pickle we don't have, try to remove the pickle reliance, or make the pickle creation part of the program.
    – user2357112
    Nov 21 at 20:13

  • 1

    The solution (apart from giving us a complete but minimal working example), is to use a if __name__ == '__main__': guard to run the top-level code only when you use this as a script, not when imported as a module.
    – Martijn Pieters
    Nov 21 at 20:36



just too much code. please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
– Jean-François Fabre
Nov 21 at 20:06

just too much code. please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
– Jean-François Fabre
Nov 21 at 20:06



I smell a circular import, likely in loader or as a result of loading the pickle. We'd need an MCVE to diagnose the problem for sure. There's too much stuff we don't need and not enough of the stuff we do.
– user2357112
Nov 21 at 20:09

I smell a circular import, likely in loader or as a result of loading the pickle. We'd need an MCVE to diagnose the problem for sure. There's too much stuff we don't need and not enough of the stuff we do.
– user2357112
Nov 21 at 20:09

I have no idea what's going on nor why, but just out of curiosity, did you try printing self in the function and printing something between loadNet and net.toExcel()?
– Silmathoron
Nov 21 at 20:09

I have no idea what's going on nor why, but just out of curiosity, did you try printing self in the function and printing something between loadNet and net.toExcel()?
– Silmathoron
Nov 21 at 20:09



Quick guide to MCVEs: we need to be able to run it, and we need to be able to see the problem when we run it, but it doesn't have to preserve the actual functionality of your program. If replacing the entire toExcel body with print('problem') still demonstrates the double print, then replace the entire toExcel body with print('problem'). If your program currently relies on a pickle we don't have, try to remove the pickle reliance, or make the pickle creation part of the program.
– user2357112
Nov 21 at 20:13

Quick guide to MCVEs: we need to be able to run it, and we need to be able to see the problem when we run it, but it doesn't have to preserve the actual functionality of your program. If replacing the entire toExcel body with print('problem') still demonstrates the double print, then replace the entire toExcel body with print('problem'). If your program currently relies on a pickle we don't have, try to remove the pickle reliance, or make the pickle creation part of the program.
– user2357112
Nov 21 at 20:13



The solution (apart from giving us a complete but minimal working example), is to use a if __name__ == '__main__': guard to run the top-level code only when you use this as a script, not when imported as a module.
– Martijn Pieters
Nov 21 at 20:36

The solution (apart from giving us a complete but minimal working example), is to use a if __name__ == '__main__': guard to run the top-level code only when you use this as a script, not when imported as a module.
– Martijn Pieters
Nov 21 at 20:36
















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