
Showing posts from January, 2019

Catalans de France

Les Catalans de France est une équipe française de rugby à XIII qui jouait habituellement contre des équipes nationales qui sont en tournée en France. Cette sélection a affronté à trois reprises les australiens et une fois les Kiwis. Le 1 er janvier 1948, elle joue contre la Nouvelle-Zélande et perd 10 à 7. Le 26 décembre 1948 au stade Jean Laffon de Perpignan, devant 14 000 spectateurs, les catalans de Paul Dejean l'emportent 20 à 5 contre l'Australie. Enfin le 12 décembre 1982, pour leur dernière rencontre, les catalans s'inclinent lourdement face aux australiens 53 à 2. Portail du rugby à XIII Portail de la France This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

Short Story about being unable to understand aliens

up vote 9 down vote favorite 1 Some time ago I read a short story about humans' inability to understand alien culture/society. The premise was that we had a colony of sorts on an alien planet, that was comprised of a team of workers. These workers were killed, and someone was sent to the planet to understand why these workers were killed. The aliens then proceeded to tell a story, in order to explain to this human their culture and why these workers had to be killed. The name of this story/myth was also the name of the short story. This is where the details get hazy. The title of the short story might have had some sort of action in it, like dance, or flight or something like it, and I think the myth was about three of the aliens making a journey, meeting a fourth, and then undergoing some sort of metamorphosis. Sorry about ...