MPI Gatherv not working (message truncated)

up vote
down vote


Hello I have a problem with MPI_Gatherv, which is not able to 'gather' values, because it returns:

Fatal error in MPI_Gatherv: Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Gatherv failed(sbuf=0x000001E0AAE36920, scount=16, MPI_INT,
rbuf=0x000001E0AAE367E0, rcnts=0x000001E0AAE18500,
displs=0x0000005A09F6F9D8, MPI_INT, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
Message truncated; 16 bytes received but buffer size is 16

Code is in language C.
my code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = (int *) malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = (int*) malloc (numOfProcesses);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++) {
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
}else countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(argc, argv)
int argc; char *argv;
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2,3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);
int displs[4];

recieveInt = (int *) malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

int* resultPart = (int *) malloc((numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * ySize) * sizeof(int));

//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize, MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


When I replace in gatherv part: numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize to only numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] it will work but the result will be:

gathered matrix[0]: 2
gathered matrix[1]: 3
gathered matrix[2]: -1
gathered matrix[3]: 4
gathered matrix[4]: 10
gathered matrix[5]: 15
gathered matrix[6]: -5
gathered matrix[7]: 20
gathered matrix[8]: 18
gathered matrix[9]: 27
gathered matrix[10]: -9
gathered matrix[11]: 36
gathered matrix[12]: 26
gathered matrix[13]: 39
gathered matrix[14]: -13
gathered matrix[15]: 52
gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
gathered matrix[17]: -842150451
gathered matrix[18]: -842150451
gathered matrix[19]: -842150451
gathered matrix[20]: -842150451
gathered matrix[21]: -842150451
gathered matrix[22]: -842150451
gathered matrix[23]: -842150451
gathered matrix[24]: -842150451
gathered matrix[25]: -842150451
gathered matrix[26]: -842150451
gathered matrix[27]: -842150451
gathered matrix[28]: -842150451
gathered matrix[29]: -842150451
gathered matrix[30]: -842150451
gathered matrix[31]: -842150451
gathered matrix[32]: -842150451
gathered matrix[33]: -842150451
gathered matrix[34]: -842150451
gathered matrix[35]: -842150451
gathered matrix[36]: -842150451
gathered matrix[37]: -842150451
gathered matrix[38]: -842150451
gathered matrix[39]: -842150451
gathered matrix[40]: -842150451
gathered matrix[41]: -842150451
gathered matrix[42]: -842150451
gathered matrix[43]: -842150451
gathered matrix[44]: -842150451
gathered matrix[45]: -842150451
gathered matrix[46]: -842150451
gathered matrix[47]: -842150451
gathered matrix[48]: -842150451
gathered matrix[49]: -842150451
gathered matrix[50]: -842150451
gathered matrix[51]: -842150451
gathered matrix[52]: -842150451
gathered matrix[53]: -842150451
gathered matrix[54]: -842150451
gathered matrix[55]: -842150451
gathered matrix[56]: -842150451
gathered matrix[57]: -842150451
gathered matrix[58]: -842150451
gathered matrix[59]: -842150451
gathered matrix[60]: -842150451
gathered matrix[61]: -842150451
gathered matrix[62]: -842150451
gathered matrix[63]: -842150451

As we can see the first 16 numbers are gathered but the rest is missing (because we wanted only part of full result) I don't know where is problem I tried to set bigger memory allocation for variable int* result, but not worked.

Where could be a problem ?
Thanks for all advices

share|improve this question

  • Should you countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size); instead ?
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 22 at 22:28

  • You mean? MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size), displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); Same result: from 16... same gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:28

  • I mean you do not scatter enough data and you end up working with uninitialized data.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:09

up vote
down vote


Hello I have a problem with MPI_Gatherv, which is not able to 'gather' values, because it returns:

Fatal error in MPI_Gatherv: Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Gatherv failed(sbuf=0x000001E0AAE36920, scount=16, MPI_INT,
rbuf=0x000001E0AAE367E0, rcnts=0x000001E0AAE18500,
displs=0x0000005A09F6F9D8, MPI_INT, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
Message truncated; 16 bytes received but buffer size is 16

Code is in language C.
my code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = (int *) malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = (int*) malloc (numOfProcesses);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++) {
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
}else countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(argc, argv)
int argc; char *argv;
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2,3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);
int displs[4];

recieveInt = (int *) malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

int* resultPart = (int *) malloc((numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * ySize) * sizeof(int));

//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize, MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


When I replace in gatherv part: numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize to only numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] it will work but the result will be:

gathered matrix[0]: 2
gathered matrix[1]: 3
gathered matrix[2]: -1
gathered matrix[3]: 4
gathered matrix[4]: 10
gathered matrix[5]: 15
gathered matrix[6]: -5
gathered matrix[7]: 20
gathered matrix[8]: 18
gathered matrix[9]: 27
gathered matrix[10]: -9
gathered matrix[11]: 36
gathered matrix[12]: 26
gathered matrix[13]: 39
gathered matrix[14]: -13
gathered matrix[15]: 52
gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
gathered matrix[17]: -842150451
gathered matrix[18]: -842150451
gathered matrix[19]: -842150451
gathered matrix[20]: -842150451
gathered matrix[21]: -842150451
gathered matrix[22]: -842150451
gathered matrix[23]: -842150451
gathered matrix[24]: -842150451
gathered matrix[25]: -842150451
gathered matrix[26]: -842150451
gathered matrix[27]: -842150451
gathered matrix[28]: -842150451
gathered matrix[29]: -842150451
gathered matrix[30]: -842150451
gathered matrix[31]: -842150451
gathered matrix[32]: -842150451
gathered matrix[33]: -842150451
gathered matrix[34]: -842150451
gathered matrix[35]: -842150451
gathered matrix[36]: -842150451
gathered matrix[37]: -842150451
gathered matrix[38]: -842150451
gathered matrix[39]: -842150451
gathered matrix[40]: -842150451
gathered matrix[41]: -842150451
gathered matrix[42]: -842150451
gathered matrix[43]: -842150451
gathered matrix[44]: -842150451
gathered matrix[45]: -842150451
gathered matrix[46]: -842150451
gathered matrix[47]: -842150451
gathered matrix[48]: -842150451
gathered matrix[49]: -842150451
gathered matrix[50]: -842150451
gathered matrix[51]: -842150451
gathered matrix[52]: -842150451
gathered matrix[53]: -842150451
gathered matrix[54]: -842150451
gathered matrix[55]: -842150451
gathered matrix[56]: -842150451
gathered matrix[57]: -842150451
gathered matrix[58]: -842150451
gathered matrix[59]: -842150451
gathered matrix[60]: -842150451
gathered matrix[61]: -842150451
gathered matrix[62]: -842150451
gathered matrix[63]: -842150451

As we can see the first 16 numbers are gathered but the rest is missing (because we wanted only part of full result) I don't know where is problem I tried to set bigger memory allocation for variable int* result, but not worked.

Where could be a problem ?
Thanks for all advices

share|improve this question

  • Should you countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size); instead ?
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 22 at 22:28

  • You mean? MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size), displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); Same result: from 16... same gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:28

  • I mean you do not scatter enough data and you end up working with uninitialized data.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:09

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Hello I have a problem with MPI_Gatherv, which is not able to 'gather' values, because it returns:

Fatal error in MPI_Gatherv: Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Gatherv failed(sbuf=0x000001E0AAE36920, scount=16, MPI_INT,
rbuf=0x000001E0AAE367E0, rcnts=0x000001E0AAE18500,
displs=0x0000005A09F6F9D8, MPI_INT, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
Message truncated; 16 bytes received but buffer size is 16

Code is in language C.
my code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = (int *) malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = (int*) malloc (numOfProcesses);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++) {
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
}else countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(argc, argv)
int argc; char *argv;
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2,3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);
int displs[4];

recieveInt = (int *) malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

int* resultPart = (int *) malloc((numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * ySize) * sizeof(int));

//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize, MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


When I replace in gatherv part: numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize to only numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] it will work but the result will be:

gathered matrix[0]: 2
gathered matrix[1]: 3
gathered matrix[2]: -1
gathered matrix[3]: 4
gathered matrix[4]: 10
gathered matrix[5]: 15
gathered matrix[6]: -5
gathered matrix[7]: 20
gathered matrix[8]: 18
gathered matrix[9]: 27
gathered matrix[10]: -9
gathered matrix[11]: 36
gathered matrix[12]: 26
gathered matrix[13]: 39
gathered matrix[14]: -13
gathered matrix[15]: 52
gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
gathered matrix[17]: -842150451
gathered matrix[18]: -842150451
gathered matrix[19]: -842150451
gathered matrix[20]: -842150451
gathered matrix[21]: -842150451
gathered matrix[22]: -842150451
gathered matrix[23]: -842150451
gathered matrix[24]: -842150451
gathered matrix[25]: -842150451
gathered matrix[26]: -842150451
gathered matrix[27]: -842150451
gathered matrix[28]: -842150451
gathered matrix[29]: -842150451
gathered matrix[30]: -842150451
gathered matrix[31]: -842150451
gathered matrix[32]: -842150451
gathered matrix[33]: -842150451
gathered matrix[34]: -842150451
gathered matrix[35]: -842150451
gathered matrix[36]: -842150451
gathered matrix[37]: -842150451
gathered matrix[38]: -842150451
gathered matrix[39]: -842150451
gathered matrix[40]: -842150451
gathered matrix[41]: -842150451
gathered matrix[42]: -842150451
gathered matrix[43]: -842150451
gathered matrix[44]: -842150451
gathered matrix[45]: -842150451
gathered matrix[46]: -842150451
gathered matrix[47]: -842150451
gathered matrix[48]: -842150451
gathered matrix[49]: -842150451
gathered matrix[50]: -842150451
gathered matrix[51]: -842150451
gathered matrix[52]: -842150451
gathered matrix[53]: -842150451
gathered matrix[54]: -842150451
gathered matrix[55]: -842150451
gathered matrix[56]: -842150451
gathered matrix[57]: -842150451
gathered matrix[58]: -842150451
gathered matrix[59]: -842150451
gathered matrix[60]: -842150451
gathered matrix[61]: -842150451
gathered matrix[62]: -842150451
gathered matrix[63]: -842150451

As we can see the first 16 numbers are gathered but the rest is missing (because we wanted only part of full result) I don't know where is problem I tried to set bigger memory allocation for variable int* result, but not worked.

Where could be a problem ?
Thanks for all advices

share|improve this question

Hello I have a problem with MPI_Gatherv, which is not able to 'gather' values, because it returns:

Fatal error in MPI_Gatherv: Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Gatherv failed(sbuf=0x000001E0AAE36920, scount=16, MPI_INT,
rbuf=0x000001E0AAE367E0, rcnts=0x000001E0AAE18500,
displs=0x0000005A09F6F9D8, MPI_INT, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
Message truncated; 16 bytes received but buffer size is 16

Code is in language C.
my code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = (int *) malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = (int*) malloc (numOfProcesses);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++) {
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
}else countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(argc, argv)
int argc; char *argv;
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2,3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);
int displs[4];

recieveInt = (int *) malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

int* resultPart = (int *) malloc((numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * ySize) * sizeof(int));

//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize, MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


When I replace in gatherv part: numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize to only numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] it will work but the result will be:

gathered matrix[0]: 2
gathered matrix[1]: 3
gathered matrix[2]: -1
gathered matrix[3]: 4
gathered matrix[4]: 10
gathered matrix[5]: 15
gathered matrix[6]: -5
gathered matrix[7]: 20
gathered matrix[8]: 18
gathered matrix[9]: 27
gathered matrix[10]: -9
gathered matrix[11]: 36
gathered matrix[12]: 26
gathered matrix[13]: 39
gathered matrix[14]: -13
gathered matrix[15]: 52
gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
gathered matrix[17]: -842150451
gathered matrix[18]: -842150451
gathered matrix[19]: -842150451
gathered matrix[20]: -842150451
gathered matrix[21]: -842150451
gathered matrix[22]: -842150451
gathered matrix[23]: -842150451
gathered matrix[24]: -842150451
gathered matrix[25]: -842150451
gathered matrix[26]: -842150451
gathered matrix[27]: -842150451
gathered matrix[28]: -842150451
gathered matrix[29]: -842150451
gathered matrix[30]: -842150451
gathered matrix[31]: -842150451
gathered matrix[32]: -842150451
gathered matrix[33]: -842150451
gathered matrix[34]: -842150451
gathered matrix[35]: -842150451
gathered matrix[36]: -842150451
gathered matrix[37]: -842150451
gathered matrix[38]: -842150451
gathered matrix[39]: -842150451
gathered matrix[40]: -842150451
gathered matrix[41]: -842150451
gathered matrix[42]: -842150451
gathered matrix[43]: -842150451
gathered matrix[44]: -842150451
gathered matrix[45]: -842150451
gathered matrix[46]: -842150451
gathered matrix[47]: -842150451
gathered matrix[48]: -842150451
gathered matrix[49]: -842150451
gathered matrix[50]: -842150451
gathered matrix[51]: -842150451
gathered matrix[52]: -842150451
gathered matrix[53]: -842150451
gathered matrix[54]: -842150451
gathered matrix[55]: -842150451
gathered matrix[56]: -842150451
gathered matrix[57]: -842150451
gathered matrix[58]: -842150451
gathered matrix[59]: -842150451
gathered matrix[60]: -842150451
gathered matrix[61]: -842150451
gathered matrix[62]: -842150451
gathered matrix[63]: -842150451

As we can see the first 16 numbers are gathered but the rest is missing (because we wanted only part of full result) I don't know where is problem I tried to set bigger memory allocation for variable int* result, but not worked.

Where could be a problem ?
Thanks for all advices

c mpi

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

asked Nov 22 at 16:14




  • Should you countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size); instead ?
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 22 at 22:28

  • You mean? MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size), displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); Same result: from 16... same gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:28

  • I mean you do not scatter enough data and you end up working with uninitialized data.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:09

  • Should you countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size); instead ?
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 22 at 22:28

  • You mean? MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size), displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); Same result: from 16... same gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:28

  • I mean you do not scatter enough data and you end up working with uninitialized data.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:09

Should you countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size); instead ?
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 22 at 22:28

Should you countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size); instead ?
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 22 at 22:28

You mean? MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size), displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); Same result: from 16... same gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
– Noro96
Nov 22 at 23:28

You mean? MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize*ySize, size), displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); Same result: from 16... same gathered matrix[16]: -842150451
– Noro96
Nov 22 at 23:28

I mean you do not scatter enough data and you end up working with uninitialized data.
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 23 at 1:09

I mean you do not scatter enough data and you end up working with uninitialized data.
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 23 at 1:09

1 Answer




up vote
down vote


In your MPI_Gatherv call, you send numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize elements from each rank, but only reserve space for numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] elements on the receiving side. After you do the multiplication, you are sending/receiving ySize times more data, so the recvcounts and displs arguments for the MPI_Gatherv call need to account for that ySize factor.

As an aside, you also seem to have many memory leaks, with not enough frees for the number of mallocs. Learn to use a tool like valgrind to help find and fix these.

Updated code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
//printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = malloc(numOfProcesses * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++)
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(int argc, char *argv)
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2, 3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);

int displs[size];
//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

recieveInt = malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

int* resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
numOfValuesPerProcess[i] *= ySize;
displs[i] *= ySize;

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));
MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

if (rank == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < xSize*ySize; i++)
printf("result[%d]: %dn", i, result[i]);



share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Could you please show what to change ? I am totaly new to MPI + allocation in C and pointers, not my flavor :) , I would appriciate if someone could show me fixed version, to see what parts were wrong. For someone who understand power of MPI + C it takes 5 mins to fix, me hour(s)... but thank you anyway tommorow I will try to fix it :) based on your tips
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:36

  • displs is only relevant on the root rank.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:08

  • Yes, thanks Gilles Gouaillardet you are correct. I have updated my answer.
    – Savithru
    Nov 23 at 2:28

  • i still believe the main issue is only a part of the matrix is scatter'ed
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 10:23

  • It is working :) you can try @GillesGouaillardet
    – Noro96
    Nov 23 at 16:15

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1 Answer










up vote
down vote


In your MPI_Gatherv call, you send numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize elements from each rank, but only reserve space for numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] elements on the receiving side. After you do the multiplication, you are sending/receiving ySize times more data, so the recvcounts and displs arguments for the MPI_Gatherv call need to account for that ySize factor.

As an aside, you also seem to have many memory leaks, with not enough frees for the number of mallocs. Learn to use a tool like valgrind to help find and fix these.

Updated code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
//printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = malloc(numOfProcesses * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++)
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(int argc, char *argv)
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2, 3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);

int displs[size];
//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

recieveInt = malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

int* resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
numOfValuesPerProcess[i] *= ySize;
displs[i] *= ySize;

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));
MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

if (rank == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < xSize*ySize; i++)
printf("result[%d]: %dn", i, result[i]);



share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Could you please show what to change ? I am totaly new to MPI + allocation in C and pointers, not my flavor :) , I would appriciate if someone could show me fixed version, to see what parts were wrong. For someone who understand power of MPI + C it takes 5 mins to fix, me hour(s)... but thank you anyway tommorow I will try to fix it :) based on your tips
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:36

  • displs is only relevant on the root rank.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:08

  • Yes, thanks Gilles Gouaillardet you are correct. I have updated my answer.
    – Savithru
    Nov 23 at 2:28

  • i still believe the main issue is only a part of the matrix is scatter'ed
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 10:23

  • It is working :) you can try @GillesGouaillardet
    – Noro96
    Nov 23 at 16:15

up vote
down vote


In your MPI_Gatherv call, you send numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize elements from each rank, but only reserve space for numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] elements on the receiving side. After you do the multiplication, you are sending/receiving ySize times more data, so the recvcounts and displs arguments for the MPI_Gatherv call need to account for that ySize factor.

As an aside, you also seem to have many memory leaks, with not enough frees for the number of mallocs. Learn to use a tool like valgrind to help find and fix these.

Updated code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
//printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = malloc(numOfProcesses * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++)
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(int argc, char *argv)
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2, 3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);

int displs[size];
//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

recieveInt = malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

int* resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
numOfValuesPerProcess[i] *= ySize;
displs[i] *= ySize;

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));
MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

if (rank == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < xSize*ySize; i++)
printf("result[%d]: %dn", i, result[i]);



share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Could you please show what to change ? I am totaly new to MPI + allocation in C and pointers, not my flavor :) , I would appriciate if someone could show me fixed version, to see what parts were wrong. For someone who understand power of MPI + C it takes 5 mins to fix, me hour(s)... but thank you anyway tommorow I will try to fix it :) based on your tips
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:36

  • displs is only relevant on the root rank.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:08

  • Yes, thanks Gilles Gouaillardet you are correct. I have updated my answer.
    – Savithru
    Nov 23 at 2:28

  • i still believe the main issue is only a part of the matrix is scatter'ed
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 10:23

  • It is working :) you can try @GillesGouaillardet
    – Noro96
    Nov 23 at 16:15

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


In your MPI_Gatherv call, you send numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize elements from each rank, but only reserve space for numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] elements on the receiving side. After you do the multiplication, you are sending/receiving ySize times more data, so the recvcounts and displs arguments for the MPI_Gatherv call need to account for that ySize factor.

As an aside, you also seem to have many memory leaks, with not enough frees for the number of mallocs. Learn to use a tool like valgrind to help find and fix these.

Updated code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
//printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = malloc(numOfProcesses * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++)
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(int argc, char *argv)
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2, 3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);

int displs[size];
//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

recieveInt = malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

int* resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
numOfValuesPerProcess[i] *= ySize;
displs[i] *= ySize;

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));
MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

if (rank == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < xSize*ySize; i++)
printf("result[%d]: %dn", i, result[i]);



share|improve this answer

In your MPI_Gatherv call, you send numOfValuesPerProcess[rank]*ySize elements from each rank, but only reserve space for numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] elements on the receiving side. After you do the multiplication, you are sending/receiving ySize times more data, so the recvcounts and displs arguments for the MPI_Gatherv call need to account for that ySize factor.

As an aside, you also seem to have many memory leaks, with not enough frees for the number of mallocs. Learn to use a tool like valgrind to help find and fix these.

Updated code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int* multiply(int* x, int xLength, int* y, int yLength) {

int* resultMatrix = malloc(xLength*yLength * sizeof(int));
int r = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < xLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < yLength; j++) {
resultMatrix[r] = x[i] * y[j];
//printf("nresult[%d]: %d", r, resultMatrix[r]);
return resultMatrix;

int* countOfValuesOfProcess(int matrixLength, int numOfProcesses) {
int* countOfValuesOfProcess = malloc(numOfProcesses * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < numOfProcesses; i++)
if (i == numOfProcesses - 1) {
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = (matrixLength / numOfProcesses) + (matrixLength % numOfProcesses);
countOfValuesOfProcess[i] = matrixLength / numOfProcesses;
return countOfValuesOfProcess;

int main(int argc, char *argv)
int x = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
int y = { 2, 3, -1, 4 };
int* result;
int size, rank;
int* recieveInt;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int xSize = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int ySize = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int* numOfValuesPerProcess = countOfValuesOfProcess(xSize, size);

int displs[size];
//displs count
if (rank == 0) {
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
displs[i] = (displs[i - 1] + numOfValuesPerProcess[i - 1]);

recieveInt = malloc(numOfValuesPerProcess[rank] * sizeof(int));

MPI_Scatterv(x, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

int* resultPart = multiply(recieveInt, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], y, ySize);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
numOfValuesPerProcess[i] *= ySize;
displs[i] *= ySize;

result = (int *) malloc((xSize * ySize) * sizeof(int));
MPI_Gatherv(resultPart, numOfValuesPerProcess[rank], MPI_INT, result, numOfValuesPerProcess, displs, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

if (rank == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < xSize*ySize; i++)
printf("result[%d]: %dn", i, result[i]);



share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Nov 23 at 2:33

answered Nov 22 at 23:33




  • 1

    Could you please show what to change ? I am totaly new to MPI + allocation in C and pointers, not my flavor :) , I would appriciate if someone could show me fixed version, to see what parts were wrong. For someone who understand power of MPI + C it takes 5 mins to fix, me hour(s)... but thank you anyway tommorow I will try to fix it :) based on your tips
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:36

  • displs is only relevant on the root rank.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:08

  • Yes, thanks Gilles Gouaillardet you are correct. I have updated my answer.
    – Savithru
    Nov 23 at 2:28

  • i still believe the main issue is only a part of the matrix is scatter'ed
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 10:23

  • It is working :) you can try @GillesGouaillardet
    – Noro96
    Nov 23 at 16:15

  • 1

    Could you please show what to change ? I am totaly new to MPI + allocation in C and pointers, not my flavor :) , I would appriciate if someone could show me fixed version, to see what parts were wrong. For someone who understand power of MPI + C it takes 5 mins to fix, me hour(s)... but thank you anyway tommorow I will try to fix it :) based on your tips
    – Noro96
    Nov 22 at 23:36

  • displs is only relevant on the root rank.
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 1:08

  • Yes, thanks Gilles Gouaillardet you are correct. I have updated my answer.
    – Savithru
    Nov 23 at 2:28

  • i still believe the main issue is only a part of the matrix is scatter'ed
    – Gilles Gouaillardet
    Nov 23 at 10:23

  • It is working :) you can try @GillesGouaillardet
    – Noro96
    Nov 23 at 16:15



Could you please show what to change ? I am totaly new to MPI + allocation in C and pointers, not my flavor :) , I would appriciate if someone could show me fixed version, to see what parts were wrong. For someone who understand power of MPI + C it takes 5 mins to fix, me hour(s)... but thank you anyway tommorow I will try to fix it :) based on your tips
– Noro96
Nov 22 at 23:36

Could you please show what to change ? I am totaly new to MPI + allocation in C and pointers, not my flavor :) , I would appriciate if someone could show me fixed version, to see what parts were wrong. For someone who understand power of MPI + C it takes 5 mins to fix, me hour(s)... but thank you anyway tommorow I will try to fix it :) based on your tips
– Noro96
Nov 22 at 23:36

displs is only relevant on the root rank.
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 23 at 1:08

displs is only relevant on the root rank.
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 23 at 1:08

Yes, thanks Gilles Gouaillardet you are correct. I have updated my answer.
– Savithru
Nov 23 at 2:28

Yes, thanks Gilles Gouaillardet you are correct. I have updated my answer.
– Savithru
Nov 23 at 2:28

i still believe the main issue is only a part of the matrix is scatter'ed
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 23 at 10:23

i still believe the main issue is only a part of the matrix is scatter'ed
– Gilles Gouaillardet
Nov 23 at 10:23

It is working :) you can try @GillesGouaillardet
– Noro96
Nov 23 at 16:15

It is working :) you can try @GillesGouaillardet
– Noro96
Nov 23 at 16:15

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